
The Georgia Music Educators Association is one of fifty-one state affiliates of the National Association for Music Education. My job was to retire a legacy application and create an updated design that addressed the many issues the users were experiencing.

GMEA sponsors conferences for teacher members. For the students, GMEA provides performance evaluations for individuals and ensembles including band, choral, and orchestra students at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

GMEA sponsors conferences for teacher members. For the students, GMEA provides performance evaluations for individuals and ensembles including band, choral, and orchestra students at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

GMEA stages all-state events ranging from elementary school to college and university. More than 20,000 students participate in their all-state program and approximately 17,000 students perform for adjudication at Solo and Ensemble Evaluations.

GMEA stages all-state events ranging from elementary school to college and university. More than 20,000 students participate in their all-state program and approximately 17,000 students perform for adjudication at Solo and Ensemble Evaluations.

The Georgia Music Educators Association has the fourth largest membership among state music education associations in the United States.

The Georgia Music Educators Association has the fourth largest membership among state music education associations in the United States.



OPUS is the web application that GMEA uses to coordinate all of the events they are responsible for hosting. From the time it was launched until now it has been pieced together at various stages with new features and components creating an nonuniform user experience that has confused many of its users. As a result, the administrators are constantly going through and manually fixing errors or responding to requests from the users.

MY Role: User interviews, information architecture, wireframes, usability testing, clickable prototype, branding, and style guide.


Heuristic Evaluation

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User Interviews

Cecil WilderExecutive Director

Cecil Wilder

Executive Director

Evelyn ChampionGMEA President

Evelyn Champion

GMEA President

Brandie BarbeeAssistant to Executive Director

Brandie Barbee

Assistant to Executive Director

Jon CottonBand Division Chair

Jon Cotton

Band Division Chair

Ryan BarbeeDirector of Publications

Ryan Barbee

Director of Publications

Ryan KoperniakBand Organizer

Ryan Koperniak

Band Organizer

With the initial user interviews I made the mistake of allowing the users to explain how they use the current application and all of the pain points they encounter. It didn’t leave me with enough time to ask the questions that most concerned me, or the questions I thought I would benefit from the most. My later interviews focused on the users explaining what an ideal flow for tasks they perform would look like.


Information architecture

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Usability Testing

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